National Tree Benefit Calculator Web Service

The Tree Benefit Calculator allows anyone to make a simple estimation of the benefits individual street-side trees provide. This tool is based on i-Tree's street tree assessment tool called STREETS. With inputs of location, species and tree size, users will get an understanding of the environmental and economic value trees provide on an annual basis.

The Tree Benefit Calculator is intended to be simple and accessible. As such, this tool should be considered a starting point for understanding trees' value in the community, rather than a scientific accounting of precise values. For more detailed information on urban and community forest assessments, visit the i-Tree website.

Tree Benefit Calculator Web Service:
This webservice calculates the benefits for trees based on the National Tree Benefits Calculator.

Method: getBenefit(DBHinch, ClimateZone, SppValueAssignment, LanduseType, TreeAmount, HousingAvgPrice, ElectricityPricePerkWh, NaturalGasPricePerTherm, CO2PricePerLb, PM10PricePerLb, NO2PricePerLb, O3PricePerLb, SO2PricePerLb, VOCPricePerLb, H2OPricePerGallon)

Return Value: a XML string. Please see the example. If you are not using Internet Explorer, please use Internet Explorer since it give a better view of the format. Please also notice the URL provided by this example. This URL hints the way of parameters structured.

Parameter Description:
DBHInch:Required; numeric value of DBH in inches
ClimateZone:Required; string value, must match one of 16 climate zones "Central Florida, Coastal Plain, Inland Empire, Inland Valleys, Interior West, Lower Midwest, Midwest, North, Northeast, Northern California Coast, Pacific Northwest, South, Southern California Coast, Southwest Desert, Temperate Interior West, Tropical".
SppValueAssignment:Required; string value which assigned to a certain species. See climate zone and tree species of column "Species Assigned Value".
LanduseType:Required; string value, must be one of "Single family residential, Multi-family residential, Small commercial business, Industrial or large commercial business, Park or other vacant land".
Condition:Required; string value, must be one of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Dead or Dying".
TreeAmount:Required; numeric value indicating how many trees.
HousingAvgPrice:Optional; numeric value indicating the average house price in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default house price for that climate zone.
ElectricityPricePerkWh:Optional; numeric value indicating the electicity price per kWh in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
NaturalGasPricePerTherm:Optional; numeric value indicating the natural gas price in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
CO2PricePerLb:Optional; numeric value indicating the CO2 price per lb in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
PM10PricePerLb:Optional; numeric value indicating the PM10 price per lb in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
NO2PricePerLb:Optional; numeric value indicating the NO2 price per lb in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
O3PricePerLb:Optional; numeric value indicating the O3 price per lb in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
SO2PricePerLb:Optional; numeric value indicating the SO2 price per lb in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
VOCPricePerLb:Optional; numeric value indicating the VOC price per lb in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.
H2OPricePerGallon:Optional; numeric value indicating the H2O price per gallon in the region. If it is not provided, web service uses the default price for that climate zone.

Method: getClimateZone(ZipCode)
Return Value: a XML string. Please see the example. If you are not using Internet Explorer, please use Internet Explorer since it give a better view of the format. Please also notice the URL provided by this example. This URL hints the way of parameters structured.
Parameter Description:
ZipCode:Required; string value, 5 digits

Method: getSpecies(ZipCode)
Return Value: a XML string. Please see the example. If you are not using Internet Explorer, please use Internet Explorer since it give a better view of the format. Please also notice the URL provided by this example. This URL hints the way of parameters structured.
Parameter Description:
ZipCode:Required; string value, 5 digits